Category: Delicious Clone

Social Bookmarking Script - phpSoftPro
Easy to use PHP/MySQL content management system for anyone who wants to build and manage a social bookmarking website. Main features: admin panel, fully editable smarty templates, SEO friendly URLs, AdSense integration, a full rating system for posts and comments, add to favorites feature, follow/unfollow options, unlimited categories, Facebook login ...

Web-based social bookmarking system. Allows multiple users to store, share and tag their favorite links online.The script is available for free download on sourceforge.It is released under GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2).

ApexKB is free collaborative search engine script that is powered by social bookmarking. It uses peer and social-networking principles to tag and link distributed content, media, or data to make valuable information more easily discoverable.Its main features are:collaborative search enginecollaborative searchenterprise searchsearch engineknowledge managementknowledge taggingenterprise bookmarkingsearch content, media, data, people, ...

e-soft24 Social Bookmark Script
This ready to use php script let you run your own social bookmarking service like Manage your website with the included admin panel. Users can utilize the bookmarking portal to save and share their favorite links.Start your own popular social bookmarking website with ease. This full featured php Social ...

PressMark is free customized version of the popular WordPress cms system that functions as a social bookmarking site like Delicious. PressMark allows users to submit their favorite links into the system which are then categorized by tags, submitted bookmarks can be individually set to private or public for obvious reasons. ...
Insipid bookmark repository script
Insipid is a free Web-based bookmark repository (or a linkblog) inspired from the popular Delicious site. It supports RSS feeds, private entries, and importing and exporting of the bookmarks.It is written in Perl and released under the GPL license.The script can be instantly downloaded from its website.
Akarru Social BookMarking Engine
Akarru is a free social bookmarking engine, is used to build social bookmarkings sites - users posts links and promote links to front page using voting system.It is released under GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2).