Category: Healthcare

Covid-19 Tracker Script
Live Coronavirus Dashboard with statistics, map, chart, table, cards and search for covering and tracking the global COVID-19 pandemic.Pure Bootstrap 4, fully responsive, speed optimized with easy-translate.Data Source: displaying latest information with coronavirus updates from around the world, using live data from the Coronavirus API.
Weight Loss Calculator 1.0
Weight Loss Calculator is a free and easy to install PHP weight loss planning calculator (calories calculator).The script contains just one PHP script which to be included in your website.There are live conversions and javascript validations of the user input.
BMR Calculator
This is a free BMR Calculator script, it will calculate your Basic Metabolic Rate (MBR), i.e. the calories you are going to burn if you just stay in bed all day. Your BMR depends on your gender, weigh, height, and age. It decreases when your age increases, which means the ...