Category: Review & Ratings

Star Rating Script
Easy to use star rating system for your website, by pasting 1-2 code lines of provided javascript you can display the system on your site and allow the users to rate your content (pages, articles, photos, products, etc), you simply provide an unique item to be rated, e.g Product19, Product20, ...

Ask Expert Script, Questions and Answer Clone
Our Ask Expert Script is turn-key solution to start a community driven question and answer website. It enables you to build a rigid platform for the users to share their knowledge and post unlimited questions and answers belonging to any category what so ever. We have in-built modern features and ...
DRBRatings is a free and simple PHP ratings script that doesn't require a database. It allows you to put a ratings form on any page on your web site, similar to the ones found on many popular web sites. You may use the star graphics that are included with the ...

Micro Rate - basic and free rating script
This is a basic rating PHP script that allows your visitors to rate anything on your website. It stores all its data in a file and thus does not need you to have database access. It tracks visitors by IP, and only one vote per IP address is allowed.No database ...
Upble 0.91
Upble enables you build your business review website in minutes, written by the most popular web programming language PHP and released under MIT license. Features of Upble: - Business management, including editing, adding, deleting. User can rate and review businesses, and upload pictures for businesses - Multiple Cities supported Google ...
Comment Form 1.0
Comment Form / Post Feedback allow users to display and post comments on a page. Feedback is very valuable to not only the web designers, but to other visitors as well. I have had multiple requests for a tutorial on this, so I decided to write one. This is a ...