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FAQ Script PHP

FAQ Script PHP is a simple knowledgebase script written in PHP and MySQL.
You could use it as a Frequently Asked Question section on your website.
Main features:
- simple installation, without need of programming skills;
- very user friendly admin area;
- any language support;
- WYSIWYG (HTML) editor for the answers with option to add images and youtube videos;
- FAQ categorizing;
- Option to set the number of FAQs per page;
- optional search box for the questions;
- Settings for CSS styles - fonts, colors, sizes, backgrounds etc...;
- simple open source code - easy to be modified;
Publisher: ProfiAnts
Listed in FAQ & Knowledgebase category
You could use it as a Frequently Asked Question section on your website.
Main features:
- simple installation, without need of programming skills;
- very user friendly admin area;
- any language support;
- WYSIWYG (HTML) editor for the answers with option to add images and youtube videos;
- FAQ categorizing;
- Option to set the number of FAQs per page;
- optional search box for the questions;
- Settings for CSS styles - fonts, colors, sizes, backgrounds etc...;
- simple open source code - easy to be modified;
Publisher: ProfiAnts
Listed in FAQ & Knowledgebase category
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