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Hot Or Not Clone

Our photo rating script is a powerful, yet simple way to create your own picture rating website. It allows visitors to rate photos. The script can be customised to work with any pictures or any topic. Add pictures of cars, nature, people, animals, ect The script is a clone of It has an automatic rating system so you can rate each picture out of 5 stars. You can add your own pictures from the admin panel. There's a built in BULK photo uploader if your have lots of pictures. You can make money by displaying Google Adsense adverts on your site. The website is optimised for Google adsense with great advert placement throughout the script.
Listed in Hot or Not Clone category
Listed in Hot or Not Clone category
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ATN Realtor is a php web software product, which can be used to create a real estate agency websites. It has a responsive layout and an integrated setup wizard making the installation on your server or hosting package quick and easy.The powerful administration panel coming with the software allows to ...