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Hyra Hotels-Hotel Booking Script

HyraHotels is one of the best hotel booking scripts in the market which is built in advanced technology and bug free. More importantly user friendly interface to get connected with the travelers.
Our features, functionalities and communication is what makes Cron24 to stand unique in the market. Let’s look in to that
Advanced Search : Multiple filters can be used to search and find the users comfort hotels easily from the number of lists.
Instant booking : Without much steps travelers/users can easily book the room by instant booking option.
Hotel Inventory : Inventory calendar have been included to overcome the reservation confusion and to manage the booked and available rooms for the hotel owners
Verified Hotels : To gain reliability verified hotel options can be made use by the hotel owners and even can attract travelers through this to book hotels in their list.
Night based pricing : Hotel charge payment on day basis, through night based pricing hotels can easily manage their payment options.
Multiple Currency and Language : For travelers and hotel owners convenience multiple language and currency support has been integrated.
Single Shot Dashboard : More importantly, the admin can manage the entire business flows in the admin dashboard so conveniently.
And many more features in our Hyra — Hotel Booking Script. We are specialized in designing the website exactly according to our client expectation
We Aid Our Customers with free app installation, bug support, and technical support, also we guarantee for the white labeling solution of the script and auto update of the script according to the trend update.
Undeniably a small decision in a business makes the largest impact. Executing ideas and handling the highlights and challenges are the most crucial part of business. So if you are upto the hotel booking business then choose us to be your technical partner and launch your business in both web and mobile apps at an affordable price.
Publisher: Cron24 Technologies
Listed in Booking category
Our features, functionalities and communication is what makes Cron24 to stand unique in the market. Let’s look in to that
Advanced Search : Multiple filters can be used to search and find the users comfort hotels easily from the number of lists.
Instant booking : Without much steps travelers/users can easily book the room by instant booking option.
Hotel Inventory : Inventory calendar have been included to overcome the reservation confusion and to manage the booked and available rooms for the hotel owners
Verified Hotels : To gain reliability verified hotel options can be made use by the hotel owners and even can attract travelers through this to book hotels in their list.
Night based pricing : Hotel charge payment on day basis, through night based pricing hotels can easily manage their payment options.
Multiple Currency and Language : For travelers and hotel owners convenience multiple language and currency support has been integrated.
Single Shot Dashboard : More importantly, the admin can manage the entire business flows in the admin dashboard so conveniently.
And many more features in our Hyra — Hotel Booking Script. We are specialized in designing the website exactly according to our client expectation
We Aid Our Customers with free app installation, bug support, and technical support, also we guarantee for the white labeling solution of the script and auto update of the script according to the trend update.
Undeniably a small decision in a business makes the largest impact. Executing ideas and handling the highlights and challenges are the most crucial part of business. So if you are upto the hotel booking business then choose us to be your technical partner and launch your business in both web and mobile apps at an affordable price.
Publisher: Cron24 Technologies
Listed in Booking category
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