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Inout Videos

Inout Videos is a powerful, feature rich, fully customizable video portal script like Youtube that works on PHP + MySQL. This is a highly search engine optimized script which helps you to browse through huge number of videos in different categories. Its video search option helps your users to find the exact video they are looking for. Features Include # Millions of Videos # Powerful Video Search # Caetgory Browsing # Auto Update Website Content # Data with Youtube API Key # Family Filter # User Based Video Lisitng # Unlimited Tags and Subtags # Video Browsing Based on Priorities # Stylish Video Player # Complete Video Details # Customizable Home Page Style # Result Cache # Multiple language Support # Advertisement Enabled # Modify Script Settings # 100% template driven and fully customizable # Professional Default Design # Open source code # SEO Ready # Advertisement Ready # 1 year FREE updates # 1 year FREE support # 1 Minute/FREE Installation # and more.
Inout Videos is a powerful, feature rich, fully customizable video portal script like Youtube. This is a highly search engine optimized script which helps you to browse through huge number of videos in different categories. Its video search option helps your users to find the exact video they are looking for. The entire system is template driven which allows you to easily modify the public pages to any look and feel you prefer. Now start running your own video portal website in just less than five minutes.
Publisher: GA
Listed in Youtube Clone category
Inout Videos is a powerful, feature rich, fully customizable video portal script like Youtube. This is a highly search engine optimized script which helps you to browse through huge number of videos in different categories. Its video search option helps your users to find the exact video they are looking for. The entire system is template driven which allows you to easily modify the public pages to any look and feel you prefer. Now start running your own video portal website in just less than five minutes.
Publisher: GA
Listed in Youtube Clone category
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