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Just Eat & Grubhub Clone

Online Food Ordering - Come And Eat is a clone of just eat and grubhub websites. Here, we can order our food from most like restaurants. It has some good features like invoice generation, GPRS printer integration, payment gateway integration, etc. According to the Script, what differentiates Roamsoft's Come N Eat from many other online takeaway ordering services is the JCT (JustConnect Technology). A JCT box is provided to each delivery restaurant, a 2-way till receipt/order machine. When a customer places an order on the Come N Eat website it is sent to the restaurant’s JCT box upon where it will beep to announce that an order is waiting approval. Restaurant staff are then able to accept or reject the order. If they accept it then a confirmation message is sent to the customer and the order is printed out of the JCT till receipt.
Publisher: RoamSoft Technologies
Listed in All Recipes Clone category
Publisher: RoamSoft Technologies
Listed in All Recipes Clone category
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