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KCFinder web file manager

KCFinder is free open-source alternative to the CKFinder web file manager. It can be integrated into FCKeditor, CKEditor, and TinyMCE WYSIWYG web editors (or your custom web applications) to upload and manage images, flash movies, and other files that can be embedded in an editor's generated HTML content.
Ajax engine with JSON responses
Multiple files upload (does not work in IE!)
Upload files using HTML5 drag and drop (for Firefox and Chrome only!)
Download multiple files or a folder as single ZIP file
Select multiple files with the Ctrl/Command key
Clipboard for copying, moving and downloading multiple files
Easy to integrate and configure in web applications
Option to select and return several files. For custom applications only
Resize uploaded images. Configurable maximum image resolution
Configurable thumbnail resolution
Visual CSS themes
Multilanguage system
Slideshow using arrow keys
Listed in File Manipulation category
Ajax engine with JSON responses
Multiple files upload (does not work in IE!)
Upload files using HTML5 drag and drop (for Firefox and Chrome only!)
Download multiple files or a folder as single ZIP file
Select multiple files with the Ctrl/Command key
Clipboard for copying, moving and downloading multiple files
Easy to integrate and configure in web applications
Option to select and return several files. For custom applications only
Resize uploaded images. Configurable maximum image resolution
Configurable thumbnail resolution
Visual CSS themes
Multilanguage system
Slideshow using arrow keys
Listed in File Manipulation category
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