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Magento 2 Defer Parsing of JavaScript

Magento 2 Defer Parsing of JavaScript by Meetanshi improves Magento 2 store's loading speed by defer parsing of Javascript.
Site speed directly affects the user experience of Magento 2 store. It can't be neglected as visitors expect the unhindered user experience else bounces to other sites!
Meetanshi's Magento 2 Defer Parsing of Javascript extension helps speed up the site by defer parsing of Javascript and hence improving the on-site experience!
Javascript disrupts site speed. It is executed before the HTML loads hence reducing the speed. The module is perfect to reorder the process of loading of HTML and defer parsing of Javascript. Such a feature makes site loading appear faster without any effect on the webpage.
With the Magento 2 Defer Parsing of Javascript extension, improve the user experience and boost sales at Magento 2 store!
Benefits of Magento 2 Defer Parsing of Javascript:
• Improve site speed with effective defer parsing of Javascript for Magento 2
• Defer Iframes loading.
• Defer parsing until the last moment to improve the load time.
• Solves render-blocking Javascript problem.
• Enhance on-site experience.
• Boost SERPs.
• No more issue of the full page cache.
• Increased rendering time improves the Google Page Speed score.
For more information, visit
Publisher: Meetanshi
Listed in Business Listings category
Site speed directly affects the user experience of Magento 2 store. It can't be neglected as visitors expect the unhindered user experience else bounces to other sites!
Meetanshi's Magento 2 Defer Parsing of Javascript extension helps speed up the site by defer parsing of Javascript and hence improving the on-site experience!
Javascript disrupts site speed. It is executed before the HTML loads hence reducing the speed. The module is perfect to reorder the process of loading of HTML and defer parsing of Javascript. Such a feature makes site loading appear faster without any effect on the webpage.
With the Magento 2 Defer Parsing of Javascript extension, improve the user experience and boost sales at Magento 2 store!
Benefits of Magento 2 Defer Parsing of Javascript:
• Improve site speed with effective defer parsing of Javascript for Magento 2
• Defer Iframes loading.
• Defer parsing until the last moment to improve the load time.
• Solves render-blocking Javascript problem.
• Enhance on-site experience.
• Boost SERPs.
• No more issue of the full page cache.
• Increased rendering time improves the Google Page Speed score.
For more information, visit
Publisher: Meetanshi
Listed in Business Listings category
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