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Password Protect Content - free script

PHPJabbers' FREE Password Protect Content script uses MySQL database to store all contents (texts, images, multimedia, etc.) that you need to protect. You set a password for each block of content. When visitors open the respective web page, they will see a password box. After they enter the password, the content will be displayed. This is a quick and efficient way to protect small parts of your web page content.
Publisher: StivaSoft LTD
Listed in User Authentication category
Publisher: StivaSoft LTD
Listed in User Authentication category
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Member Login 3.2 by PHPJabbers-
If you want to hide specific resources on your website and grant access to members only, our PHP user login script is just the right tool for your needs. Use Member Login Script to create different contents on your web pages, upload files, and protect them via a simple login ...