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Responsive Automotive Portal Software
(0 Reviews) Advanced, user-friendly and responsive PHP web software for creating multi user auto portal websites.
Includes multiple features for the users to post and search the vehicle listings, share them on social networks, create email alerts, find local dealers, send newsletter, post banners, featured listings and many others. The car dealers have their own admin panel with functionality to manage their profile, post multiple listings and also they can have their own micro site with an unique url and be able to manage its pages and content. ATN Auto Portal has different SEO features and optimizations and it's also multi language (can be easily translated to new languages and ready translations are available).
It's provided with the source codes, free installation on your host, free references removal and free technical support.
Publisher: ATN Solutions - affordable turnkey solutions for your website
Listed in Cars category
Includes multiple features for the users to post and search the vehicle listings, share them on social networks, create email alerts, find local dealers, send newsletter, post banners, featured listings and many others. The car dealers have their own admin panel with functionality to manage their profile, post multiple listings and also they can have their own micro site with an unique url and be able to manage its pages and content. ATN Auto Portal has different SEO features and optimizations and it's also multi language (can be easily translated to new languages and ready translations are available).
It's provided with the source codes, free installation on your host, free references removal and free technical support.
Publisher: ATN Solutions - affordable turnkey solutions for your website
Listed in Cars category
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